Kill Daddy Good Night

Austria / France / Germany
director: Michael Glawogger
2008 / 117 min. /
cast: Helmut Köpping, Ulrich Tukur, Sabine Timoteo, Christian Tramitz, Itzhak Finzi

Ratz is a computer game designer who is struggling with his life in Vienna. He has an unyielding hatred for his father, who is a famous minister. He invents a virtual world where he kills his father over and over again. Everything changes with a call from an ex-girlfriend Mimi, who wants Ratz to come to New York – she needs his help. Ratz starts a process of self-discovery when he meets three families with their secrets. This moving drama is about guilt and complex moral choices based on Josef Haslinger’s novel.

awards: Grand Diagonale Prize 2009

contact: Celluloid Dreams, 2, rue Turgot, 75009 Paris, France, T: +33 149700370, F: +33 149700370, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Lucerna - Praha
16.4 Friday 20.45
B. Bakaly - Brno
26.4 Tueasday 20:30

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