Debate: Eye above Prague. Why?
Friday, 16th April, 2010, at 18:30 p.m.
Cinema Světozor
Moderator: Vladimír 518
A thematic discussion on the occasion of the presentation of the film Eye above Prague (the winning project dubbed "Blob" of the first international architecture competition in Prague) by Olga Špátová and Eliška Kaplicky Fuchsová, devoted to the controversial design of the new National Library building by Jan Kaplicky – Future Systems.
A discussion not only about the film and Jan Kaplicky´s architecture, but primarily about the behind-the-scenes of public architecture contests in which to win an international competition does not automatically mean to be able to implement the project in our country, a debate on the National Library case being politicised, on how difficult it is to push through a bold project and to fight for its realisation with the public, politicians and investors.
A discussion about the view that a democratic society should support and not hinder courageous projects.
The film-makers and people featured in the film will contribute to the discussion with their experience and opinions: director Olga Špátová, architect Eva Jiřičná, a member of the international jury of the contest for a new National Library building, National Library representative Bohdana Stoklasová, exdirector of National Library Vlastimil Ježek, architect and architecture historian Zdeněk Lukeš, architect and singer Pavel Bobek, architect Filippo Previtali (Future Systems) and German architect Georg Roetzel (Future Systems).